I'm going to try to bring in a lot more variety and depth into the reviews. Hopefully y'all enjoy it and keep coming back for more. Also, it'd be awesome if I could get more feedback from readers, giving suggestions, mentioning anything you think I'm doing right and should continue with. That'd be great, so if you can, just take 5 minutes and give it to me straight. Nothing lengthy necessary, just a quick note.
I don't know if y'all would like me to keep doing movies as well, or if I should just stick to reviewing books. I have an idea for something new I'd like to try out and we'll see how that goes. I've also realized that I've not done reviews for some of my absolute favorite books, which blew my mind and made me feel absolutely horrible. What kind of reviewer am I if I don't even say something noteworthy about my favorites?
Hopefully I'll have something new for y'all within a week or two. Here is to a new summer and some fresh reviews!
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