Austin Heat (Lone Star Book Blog Tour)

Austin Heat, Book #1
By Amari Nylix

Contemporary Romance / Comedy / Football
Publisher: Temair Media
Pages: 390
Publication Date: September 14, 2023


Rumor has it that Texas just got a little hotter! Fans of Tessa Bailey and K. Bromberg will fall for this sexy story of mistaken identity, electric attraction, and irresistible romance in the first installment of the addictive new series, Austin Heat.

Jake is desperate to rewrite his past with women and leave behind the media storm surrounding his off-the-field antics that cloud his potential. He’s done with the stream of models, actresses, and NFL cheerleaders that have warmed his bed since he made a name for himself as starting quarterback for the University of Texas. He desperately wants to meet a normal girl in his hometown of Austin.

After moving to Austin to be the hired girlfriend of one of her long-term escort clients, Rakell finds herself wishing she could live a normal life with an average guy. Turned off by the billionaire clients she’s been serving for the last five years, she longs to get out of the business and build a life where she doesn’t live in the shadows of her escort persona.

Their worlds collide and the spice is off the charts. “Pretty boy” Jake Skyler has met his match with saucy-mouthed, Rakell McCarthy. Both think they’ve fallen for an average person. Both are wrong! What happens when their physical connection explodes, their hearts take charge and the secrets they are concealing are revealed?



Amari Nylix (alter ego to author Tara Delaney) tells sordid stories revolving around tempestuous love affairs that are inspired by the secret liaisons of Old West villains, heroes, and the temptress women who lure those powerful men into their webs. Amari delights in sharing her torrid stories of heart-wrenching, epic love that begin with the desires of the flesh and evolve into affairs of the heart.

In the Austin Heat series, Amari works closely with bestselling author of both non-fiction and fiction, Tara Delaney 😉. Tara has been a pediatric occupational therapist for more than thirty years and has extensive professional experience in sensory processing and nervous system development, while also having studied how early trauma impacts our responses as adults. Tara is responsible for trimming back Amari’s numerous spicy scenes, allowing room for all the FEELS



There is a LOT to unpack here. For starters, I don't tend to review open-door, steamy romances here, but we're doing that today. This one is VERY steamy. This is a high spice level book. I wouldn't recommend this as a first open door romance since it gets very intense and continues to be several times throughout the book. This book also doesn't have the tropes I tend to read about. It's very different from almost all the romances I've read, and that's what sets it apart. I honestly wouldn't even call this a traditional romance. 

Austin Heat is the story of an NFL quarterback who has spent the early part of his career being a playboy. He's gotten into plenty of drama in that regard and is in need of an image change. He wants to try to be normal and find someone with less spotlight on them during the offseason in Austin, Texas. His love interest is far from a normal girl. She's an escort, but she's looking to get out of the business. She's ready to date a normal guy and be far away from the life she's led before. Obviously, neither appears to actually be what the other is looking for. 

The best part about this book is how in-depth it gets with the characters. They're far from perfect and this book doesn't wrap up with a pretty bow. If you want a sweet romance with a happy ending, all tied up by the end - this isn't your book. This is an intense, secrets kept, tough to swallow, mess of collision between two people. That's what works about it. The best way I can describe it is as messy. The secrets are big, the heat is explosive, and the ending isn't quite what I've come to expect from a sports romance story. 

Sometimes, the perspective changes through me off since they occurred mid-chapter. Sometimes, I wanted to smack each of the characters for the different decisions they made. However, if you're okay with messy, imperfect characters, who are trying to make and live with tough decisions, then this is definitely your book. There is emotional baggage and major lifestyle conflict. This is a book that you shouldn't come into with the usual expectations - making it a good thing that I go into reading any book as open as I possibly can be to see what the characters and story want to say over what I would most want them to say. 

This book won't be for readers who want a typical sports romance with a straightforward HEA (happily ever after) ending. This is the start of a series and the start of big changes for the characters. It's longer than several, more lighthearted romances, so be prepared to sit with the characters and their lives, romantic tension, and pretty casual relationship agreement for a good while. I give Austin Heat a Lone Star rating of  ✯✯✯✯. It's messy, it's intense, it's unexpected - and for the right readers, it'll hit all the right notes. If you are looking for a traditional romance novel, or low spice/closed-door romances, skip over this one, because it will be far from your cup of tea.


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